Purpose of This Blog

As a result of my arrest and conversations I have had with law enforcement officials, counselors, teachers etc., I have come to learn how common (and easy) it has become to have a spouse arrested and falsely accused of a felony in order for people to rid themselves of their partners.

Unless you are independently wealthy, you can easily become the victim of the justice system and lose your personal freedom, your rights, home, livelihood and your children by the accusations of domestic abuse with no proof to back it up.

I want to educate people on how this happened to me so they can be better prepared and prevent it from happening to them.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I Need Your Assistance

I know that there are a lot of people who read this blog that are not official followers. I would really appreciate it if you could follow this blog. Just scroll down on the right and click the FOLLOW button.

You will need to first have some kind of Google account (Twitter, YouTube, Gmail). It doesn't have to have your real name on it if you prefer to remain anonymous. Once you are a follower, you will get an email every time there is a new blog post with a link to the new post.

Also, please feel free to post a comment on the blog post (especially if you are using a pseudonym.

Also, I will soon be creating a permanent resource page with organizational names, addresses, phone numbers, contact names, websites and emails that will be of assistance to anyone who is dealing with abuse.

Thank you!

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